Church History

Transformation Life Church formally known as Temple of Deliverance Church was founded by Pastor McKenzie Carter after receiving a vision from God and prompting from the Holy Spirit to take a step in faith. As an act of faith, Pastor Carter sowed a seed offering into an account that was set aside for the future T.O.D. account. After worshiping at Christian Tabernacle Church for approximately two months, God confirmed his word by affirming that Christian Tabernacle and their leader Dr. Richard Heard would be the spiritual covering for Pastor Carter and Temple of Deliverance Church.

On September 17, 2006, the pre-opening service for Temple of Deliverance was held in the Best Western conference room in Dayton, Texas. The room was filled to capacity with close to 100 in attendance at the 4:00pm service. The following Sunday, September 24, 2006, was the official service attended by Pastor Carter, First Lady Cynthia Carter, immediate family, and the musicians. All in attendance joined the ministry for a total of 10 members.

On June 10, 2007, God blessed us with a building in Liberty/Ames, Texas where we had our first service after much prayer and renovation. The members started meeting for prayer July 11, 2007 for an hour and on August 1, 2007, we had our first Bible Study in the new location with Pastor Carter teaching on "Discipleship."

Led by the Spirit of God, Pastor Carter started another church location of T.O.D. at 2310 South Main, Stafford, Texas. The opening service was September 14, 2008 and for a period of time Pastor and followers was given the grace to conduct services in both Stafford and Liberty with Stafford services at 10:00am and Liberty services at 4:00pm. 

After much prayer and fasting, realizing the majority of our members were from the Houston area and other surrounding areas, Pastor Carter was led to minister exclusively in Stafford, Texas and was given a peace that the assignment in Liberty was a starting point. While still holding on to the God given vision and assignment to plant and oversee multiple locations, Pastor Carter felt strongly that it was time to allow the Holy Spirit through him to lay a solid foundation and allow God to build a strong home base in Stafford believing that in the future God will bless us to expand.

As the ministry grew at the South Main location, God led Pastor Carter to seek a larger facility. The search led to our current location at 435 FM 1092 Suite V. On March 21, 2010, Dr. Heard delivered the dedication service sermon with a prophetic word that it was time to "seek the Lord and break up the fallow ground." Birth out from that experience and the vision of the Shepherd of the house, came Prayer Mobilization whereby members strategically commit to pray that God's vision for T.O.D. come to pass and that we complete the task he has assigned for us locally and to the nations. The membership of Transformation Life Church continues to grow numerically and spiritually.

Mission Statement

  • To Praise and Worship God.
  • To seek God's face in prayer.
  • To demonstrate God's love.
  • To lead many souls to Christ.
  • To make and reproduce disciples.
  • To train and equip the body of Christ.
  • To serve God with all our hearts.
  • To empower the community both spiritually and economically. 

What Do We Believe?

We believe that Jesus Christ is God, the son from eternity who joined himself to a human nature, having been miraculously conceived by the Holy Spirit and born of the Virgin Mary. Jesus lived a sinless human life, perfectly fulfilling  the divine law. He then voluntarily died on the cross, bearing the sins of all mankind and atoning for them by his shed blood. He was buried, and after three days, he arose bodily from the grave and manifested himself to many witnesses. He then ascended to heaven where he is now at the right of God the Father, interceding as High Priest and advocate for those who place their trust in him alone for salvation.