I'm New


A Personal Welcome From the Pastor...

Grace be to you, and peace from God our Father, and from the Lord Jesus Christ.

I would like to take the time to welcome you to our website.

The website will give you enough information, so that you will have an idea of the ministries available, service times, some of our Church History, and what we believe. But I pray you take it a step further and come and visit the ministry where we can experience the presence of God together. We are a loving church whereby you can literally feel the love of God once you walk inside the building.

We pray mightily that when you come that you won't just experience a service that has been systematically planned by man with no room for the Holy Spirit, but when you come you will have an encounter with God and hear his voice.

We invite you to attend our Sunday's and Wednesday's worship services where you can dress relax while experiencing a move of God! If you don't have a church home we invite you to become a part of our  T.L.C. family. Where together we can be the change!

We Welcome You,

Pastor McKenzie Carter